Ugandan Lecturer Goes nude - Stella Nanyanzi - Watch full video here

After going nude in a protest to regain back her office, Professor Stella Nyanzi’s Facebook account was temporally blocked. However after she emerged victorious, her Facebook was unblocked and here is her first post she made

“The weapons of the powerless never make sense to the powerful. You can laugh at and mock me for using my nudity against the illegal eviction from my office, but it was the only weapon I had in my battle against Mahmood Mamdani’s insubordination to the DVC who asked him to stay the eviction. I am fighting to the death against the oppression and ‪#‎RotAtMISR‬.”


In future, everyone will have their 15 minutes of fame, what they do with them is another question. Today,Dr. Stella Nyanzi finally had her 15 minutes of fame when she undressed at Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR).


She was protesting against what she termed as unlawful eviction from her office.

Nyanzi noted that Prof. Mahmood Mamdani, her boss had given three offices to his wife while he found pleasure in evicting her from office.
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