Paraded Mbabazi youth refuse to defect to NRM

The coordinator for Go Forward presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi in Teso, Mr George William Okoit (L), Teso Affairs state minister Christine Amongin Aporu (C) and First Lady Janet Museveni after Go Forward supporters refused to defect to NRM on Tuesday. PHOTO BY JOSEPH EIGU ONYANGO

SOROTI- Hundreds of youth paraded to the First Lady, Ms Janet Museveni, at Soroti State Lodge on Tuesday, as defectors from the Go Forward presidential candidate Amama Mbabazi’s camp, refused to defect to NRM and insisted they were still in the Opposition.

Drama unfolded when Dr Kenneth Omona, the NRM deputy treasurer, and Teso Affairs state minister Christine Amongin Aporu called leaders of the presumed defectors to present themselves to be dressed in the party campaign T-shirts.

Their coordinator, Mr George William Okoit, instead began heckling the NRM leaders as the First Lady looked on in astonishment.

The failed deal
The opposition youth said their demands as condition for their defection had not been fulfilled.

At the start of the meeting, Mr Okoit had handed over to Ms Janet Museveni files he said contained the defectors’ proposals and said they would be forwarded to President Museveni for consideration.

Trouble began at the Soroti meeting after Ms Museveni, who had flown by helicopter from Karamoja, announced she would be departing early for Kampala as nightfall was approaching and that minister Aporu and Dr Omona would represent her. This sparked protests.

Police intervention
Police and other security operatives intervened to calm the youth, whose rowdy behaviour and demands for transport refund paralysed the meeting for about 20 minutes.

Each was later paid Shs50, 000 and given an NRM T-shirt.

The First Lady urged the youth in Teso to abandon Mr Mbabazi and support NRM presidential candidate Yoweri Museveni.

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