Ways on how to last long in bed during sex

Boy - Ah Ah Ah Ah Oooooohhhhhh,
          Baby am done I hve come
Gal -  Just in two mins, uurrrggg

Such words don't sound good in a sexual intercourse.

A man ejaculating too soon, some times its healthy reason some times its not. Men with some health problems tend to have problems in bed,  mostly men with cancer, High blood Pressure, Obesity tend not to last long in bed. while also men who tend to have less sexual skills also have sexual satisfaction disorders.

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Posted by Online Adverts East Africa on Sunday, February 7, 2016

With these little and easy ten Steps trust me you can last longer than you expect, and make your sex life a fantasy not a thing to worry about.

Sex is not about how fast you in and out of her. Though its a nice skill and gals love it and you also love it, but this increases the rate of ejaculation. Its better you modulate you tempo of in and out of her. Start slow, increase pace, go slow with these variations you can last longer than you would have done if you we going 180 Km per hour.

This is also a big problem in sex. if your mind is set or destructed you tend to finish too soon. And also if your mind is over exaggerated about sex you also tend to finish too soon. so its better to kip your minds focused on the fantasy of your self and her. Kip it in mind if you come too soon the fantasy last shorter. And also what your minds is about 80% will yield what your body gives back. If your so exaggerated about the sex act the chances are also high that ejaculation is coming too soon.

Have a good nutrition, a good and balanced diet. As some foods increase man power, some increase your sperm volume also other foods decrease your man power. Fatty food stuffs tend to decrease your man power and this also decreases the time of ejulation. Kip eating Fats kip Coming First.

 But with foods like Fruits, Vegetables they kip you in shape to last long in sex activities.

Have good romance to have good sexual intercourse. Enough time for romance makes you ready enough to enjoy sex, and satisfy you partner.  Don't have small romance, and don't have too long romance. Just have enough too make the P-Man erect and stiff enough for its activities. This puts the mind in sexual moods and the body ready to do the sexual needs. like wise your partner is also ready and wet enough for the whole process. This will also increase your longality in sex.

This is very crucial, with some sex positions men tend to come to first. Positions that tighten the womanship make men ejulate too first. Though these positions are nice and give great satisfaction they also tend to make you come too soon. Positions like the Butterfly, Scissor, Dog styles all are satisfactory but they are disastrous wen it comes to ejulations. so its better you do the mixture those that make you last long and those that mek you come soon. with this you kill two birds with one stone

There are some drugs good for sexual pleasure and that help to enjoy sex and last long in the game drugs such as viagra are good for good and hard erection. These help stiffen the manhood and make men last long in bed.

However their are also other drugs that that are disastrous when it comes to sex. These decrease the fertility rate of women, decrease man power and so forth. 

So its better to know which drugs a person uses, and what are the side effects.

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